Joe Sanders is a no nonsense guitarist that hails from Washington D.C. Playing shows on legendary stages such as New York City’s The Bitter End and CBGB’s( both numerous times) to Florida’s Ruth Eckerd Hall, Skippers Smokehouse, Tampa Theater and everywhere in between. Joe Sanders’ guitar has blistered National and Regional stages for over 30 years. Also working with mega producer Silvia Massy Shivey{ Prince, The Red hot Chili Peppers- who handpicked Joe to audition for their band in 1993-,Johnny Cash ,Tom Petty and Tool} and Jim Wood from Dishwala , on Basic Rock Outfits national release “Thank You For The Pain on Tightnote Records and 101 Distribution. Also Releasing an independent solo record shortly after that. Then moving on to Fusion Rock Band Umbra Luna. Now Joe Sanders is currently recording new music with rock band Blackbird Revival and instrumental fusion rock band Joe Sanders Band.

Joe has been teaching guitar for 20 years. From Jim Terry music, Sam Ash, Guitar Center and Berretta Music Academy all in Clearwater Florida . With a loyal following of private students Joe is booked solid. Week after week. Month after month. Joe studied intense Music theory lessons for 4 years with the great Michael Fath and also studied jazz guitar for 4 years with the legendary Mike Pachelli.